We are a Sri Lankan lifestyle brand who strive to build a VCEYLON community around living healthy and happy lifestyles. The VCEYLON community includes hardworking farmers, those who value Sri Lankan heritage, our customers and the rest of the ecosystem that makes our products possible. As an ethically responsible and environmentally friendly brand our mission is to connect nature, farmers and consumers. It is our responsibility to provide our customers with quality products, uplift the lives of the farming community and protect our environment.
We believe, as a human being the health of your body and mind starts with good food, exercise and how you align your lifestyle supported with knowledge and attitude to drive towards an ethically responsible path. VCEYLON is focused on providing our customers with organically grown food. We want to help our consumers be more aware about choosing the most natural and healthy choices when it comes to their daily food intake.
All food originates from mother earth and the farming community who work tirelessly. Our expectation is to move back to environmentally traditional agricultural methods. Modern practice of using chemicals has abandoned these natural and healthy methods.

Who We Are ?

Our Story ?
VCEYLON is a brand born aligned to the needs of the community. The two founder partners are passionate about building a healthy and happy nation. We believe in going back to our roots and embracing the diet of our ancestors. Rice is one of the main food choices focused in this journey.
Traditional rice varieties and other crops were a treasure we owned as a nation for thousands of years which gave power to build up a proud history. Our traditional methods were environmental friendly and sustainable. VCEYLON wants to play an active role in bringing our traditional practises back to the heart of our nation.
The country lockdown during the pandemic in March 2020 was the initiation of an idea towards this agricultural initiative. The first step towards our journey was discovering a paddy field near the Gampaha region that had been abandoned for over 30 years. With the leadership and resources provided by the founders this abandoned paddy field was regrown by the villagers. The full project was completed without a drop of chemical touching the soil.
The passion and the belief of the founder gave inception to the idea of VCELON. We are striving to establish a full range of natural agricultural products under our blue sky mission.

Donec condimentum sapien et rhoncus pharetra. Phasellus ullamcorper nisl tempor metus finibus lacinia. Duis a nisi a orci faucibus molestie vitae vel dui. Morbi dictum sed eros et sagittis. Nam elit dui, vehicula non convallis non, consequat malesuada lacus. Etiam euismod lobortis quam, a cursus orci rhoncus id. Aenean euismod sagittis tortor, sit amet pulvinar risus. Proin eu libero lacinia, pulvinar nulla quis, mollis mi. Aenean fermentum tortor eu elit congue accumsan.
Our Quality
- Carefully cultivated products made using traditional organic methods.
- Fair price policy to uplift the lives of farmers
- 2% of profit goes to CSR activities on the community and environment.
- All produce go through rigorous quality to checks.
- No added chemicals in growing or processing.
- Random tests for presence of pesticides and heavy metals.

Duleepa Shyamenda Walgama
Our expectation is to create a brand which grows with its vision to help create a healthy and happy VCEYLON community while protecting nature.
Even while being engaged in different professional backgrounds I’ve had a passion for agriculture and always loved nature. It has been my hobby to spend time in the backyard veggie patches which relieved stress during the busy schedules. Bringing in organic veggies to our kitchen brings me so much happiness.
I am a firm believer in Sri Lankan heritage and its richness which can provide solutions for most of the health, economic and environmental sustainability problems. Our traditional rice varieties are rich in nutrients which help the body to be strong and healthy. Their medicinal values have been proven and explained in Ayurveda. Traditional farming methods are environmentally friendly and do not disturb the ecosystem. This made traditional rice products become the start of VCEYLON journey in creating a lifestyle brand.
A like minded team from diverse professional backgrounds joined with VCEYLON to make this a reality to serve VCEYLON community in Sri Lanka and around the world.

Imal Kalutotage
Story of VCEYLON begins during the Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020. It gave us time to reflect on the unhealthy lifestyle we were living, and unhealthy food we were eating and how we all have become very vulnerable to many kinds of diseases because of our weak immune systems.
I was concerned about the way our main food Rice is being cultivated in a modern way with loads of fertilizers and pesticides to get higher yield. I had no doubt that we are eating lot of toxic food made out of toxic rice everyday
Out of curiosity when I researched a bit about how our forefathers cultivated indigenous rice varieties with nature without any chemicals. I was pleasantly surprised by what I discovered.
I was fascinated by the stories about nutritional and medicinal values of those thousands of ancient Sri Lankan rice varieties and the traditions they were cultivated in combination with nature, astrology and technology. This was one of the best kept secrets in Sri Lankan history for thousands of years.
VCEYLON is an attempt to bring the natural goodness of our ancient organic rice farming to the rest of the world who care about healthy lifestyle and eating habits to live a happy life.
Our dream is to bring CEYLON, V (meaning Our Sri Lankan Rice/Paddy ) to the same level of recognition for Ceylon Tea in the global market.