Traditional rice: for a healthy nation

Rice has been cultivated in Sri Lanka for right around 3000 years and right up ’til the present time stays a fundamental food in many of our cultural cooking styles. Sri Lanka has exceptionally rich and historical food traditions which have been moulded by numerous authentic and cultural factors.

Rice in Sri Lanka has played an important part in our history, economy, agriculture and in particular our healthy habits for quite a long time.

As the staple food, rice has been playing out an astonishing part in our country. More than 2000 various types of rice varieties were cultivated everywhere in the country. Past records have mentioned that these different traditional rice varieties were famous among our ancients for their nutritional medicinal purposes. A couple of the famous traditional rice are Maa Wee, Kahawanu, Sudu heenati, Kalu heenati, Pachchaperumal, Pokkali, Gurusinghe small, Suwandel, Sudu murunga, Unakola samba, Nilkanda, Ma small, Kurulu thuda and so on.

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Our ancient generations had never experienced diabetes, heart diseases, blood pressure and other non-transferable sicknesses in light of the fact that a healthy environment, eating habits and way of life shielded them. Experts have attributed this to the diet followed by our forebears, in which rice took the place of honour.

Most of the traditional rice varieties were naturally grown and depended on eco-friendly methods, for example, crop pivot, green fertilizer, manure, organic irritation control and antiquated water system frameworks for a supported water supply. Our traditional rice has higher nutritional values and different textures, aroma and taste when compared to other improved rice varieties.

Let’s look into the Nutritional facts about traditional rice…..

Traditional cultivars of Rice have a nutritive value higher than hybrid rice varieties. These traditional rice varieties have a lesser substance of fat and a great measure of oryzenol content when compared to hybrid varieties and accordingly keep the body from building up cholesterol levels.

These traditionally grown rice cultivars are good sources of minerals and vitamins such as niacin, thiamine, iron, riboflavin, vitamin D, calcium, and possess higher fibre and a lesser amount of sugar content, making it an appealing choice for consumers suffering from diabetic complications.

Brown rice contains high measures of insoluble fibre, which is reported by researchers to ensure the body against a variety of cancers.

In general traditional rice has been medicinally demonstrated to; help decrease, and sometimes to prevent, diabetic conditions, limit cardiovascular conditions, contain antioxidant properties and a low glycemic index, forestall fatty liver, help in muscle recuperation, controls glucose level, rich in fibre and selenium, and to contain zero cholesterol. Every variety of rice is known to play a role in developing the human body, boosting the immune system and preventing various illnesses.

By empowering the majority on the worth and advantages of traditional rice, VCEYLON desires to advance the norm of wellbeing among the Sri Lankans while additionally guaranteeing the conservation of a precious piece of our national heritage and helping our consumers to be more aware of choosing the most natural and healthy choices in their daily eating habits.

We are in a requirement to share the knowledge regarding these valuable traditional rice varieties and promote them through public awareness about their values and importance and shift the nations to eating healthy food styles.

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